Frontier Acquisitions


Maximize your mining profits with the FROAC Ore buyback program.

  • Orca Support Available

  • Corp Mining Operations

  • FROAC will buy all of your ore

  • Ship and skill assistance available


Maximize the value of your ore and minerals with Manufacturing.

  • FROAC Engineering Complex Available in Isikano

  • BPOs and rare looted BPCs available

  • Freighter/Hauling support available

  • Skill assistance available


Explore the Eve universe and find countless ways to make that ISK.

  • Corp Exploration and Ratting Ops

  • Loot Support available

  • Wormhole "day tripping"

  • Ship and skill assistance available

25m ISK Referral Bonus

In an effort to refresh the corporation population, a signing bonus of 25 Million ISK will be awarded to pilots in the corporation that refer active members to the corporation. You will receive the payout once your referral has been active for 30 days. Limited to a single character per human referral.

Rebuilding Phase

After some time off, the Corporation has entered a rebuilding phase. It will be a priority for the next few weeks to recruit new pilots to the corporation. Once the population is suitable, frequent corp group operations will take place. See below for information on future plans and events.